Republic of Ireland
Chapter Leader Piaras MacDonnell
ICS – ITAM Special Interest Group
The Irish Computer Society has established an ITAM SIG. Check out the opportunities here>>>
Piaras MacDonnell is an expert in software licensing and IT Asset Management. He is the founder of ITAMconsult which provides IT Asset Management consultancy and training.
His customers include Fortune 500 companies in the Logistics, Telecom, Banking and Healthcare sectors. He has assisted some of the largest companies in the world with their preparation for vendor audits, true-ups, EA renewals and ULA exits frequently generate saving in the millions of dollars.
Besides the Chapter leader role for ITAMorg in Ireland he is also trainer within IT Asset Management for the Irish Computer Society and is a contributor to the
ISO/IEC 19770 working group. He is a regular speaker at ITAM conferences and regular online contributor.
1, Eden Gate Centre
County Wicklow
phone: +353 87 225 4773