Whitepaper – How to Succeed as an IT Asset Manager
Have you ever wondered how to succeed as an IT Asset Manager?
What are the key areas to focus on? How do you engage the wider organisation in support of the goals for ITAM in your organisation?
This whitepaper discusses these areas and help you overcome some of the classic pitfalls for the IT Asset Manager and for the organisation.
Join ITAMOrg and get the benefits from day one!
ITAMOrg members enjoy many benefits.
The benefits depends on the membership level but also on the geography. Some chapters has unique offerings as networking meetings etc.
The most recent add-on to the benefit package is access to the ITAM Accelerate process kit version 3.
Follow the link below to view the full package and sign up for membership today!
Is your organisation ITAM mature?
The ITAMOrg Maturity Assesment provides insight to the ITAM Maturity in your organi-sation. The base assess-ment is 100 questions and further sections can be added incl. a NEW section on ITIL 4.
The Assessment is included in the corporate member package.
Access a 20 question light version for free by clicking the button below
ITAM Conferences
ITAMOrg support conferences and other quality industry events that supports the vision of ITAMOrg.
The ITAM Conference 2019 was in Dublin, Ireland.
The ITAM Conference 2020 was planned for Berlin in May cooperation with KPMG. Covid 19 came across this plan and we’re now examining the development in the pandemic to evaluate timing for the next ITAM Conferences. Stay tuned for further updates.
ITAMOrg membership
ITAMOrg membership connects you with the best and brightest in the IT Asset Management industry. It is easy for you to stay up-to-date with the latest thinking, reports, publications and news. It gives you the exclusive opportunity to meet your peers and network completely free of charge through complementary invitations to regular events and workshops across the local or international chapters.
Upcomming events